Auction listing

None of the machines listed are for sale.

The purpose of these lists is not to tell you the value of a specific machine, but to give a range in prices. Machine usually go for a few hundred dollars, especially puck games, which are not as much looked after as bowler games. The main reason is that these games are big and heavy, so people usually want to get rid of them especially when they are not working. Manikin games have a much bigger value and cand be sold over $5,000.00. Machines listed in this page are first sorted by manufacturer / name / date. The links do not lead to the machine actually sold but to the description of the machine on this site.

Items listed are complete machines otherwise the Notes column describes the item.

Auction listing by Manufacturer / Name / Date

Auction listing by Date / Manufacturer / Name

Auction listing by Price / Manufacturer / Name


Game Info

