
This site would not be what it is today without the help of many contributors.

Phil Hooper let me use the same skin you can see on his site dedicated to bingo machines. He can be reached at

Clay Harrell helped me to host this site during a few years. He is famous in the pinball world for pages he published to help people fix their pins, but he also has his own bowler game page at Anybody interested in bowler games should go there.

And without Jay Stafford of the well known pushing me to bring the website back online, you would not be here.

A lot of people contributed by sending pictures and scans (sorry for those I forgot to list here): James Alvarado, Paul Amberg, Duncan Brown, Bill Butterfield, Don Caldwell, Victor Campolattaro, Tony Cape, Steve Casten, Pascal Charbonneau, Gary Conway, Bruce Clark, Dan Davids, Roger Dunigan, Joseph A. Dziedzic, David Eisner, Bob Ellingson, Fellman Mark S, Mark Gibson, Rob Hawkins, Dustin Heineman, Jeff Herzuck, Phil Hooper, Lawrence Johnson, Greg R. Kadera, Jim Kennedy, Irv & Ann Klimkewicz, Jeffrey Lawton, Pierre Loranger, Erin Maves, Tom Moeller, Mark G. Parkins, Larry W. Ross, Carolyn L. Sater, Michael Singer, Cal Smith, Timothy R. Smith, Jeff Stotlar, Herbert Walsh, Jeff R Wienrich, Jim Wildgen, Don Willens.

May the list grow!

I also received encouragements from a lot of people and this was also a great reward for all the evenings I spent sorting the retrieved information.


Game Info

